Happy New Years! or Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu!
I left for shibuya ~11 and got there ~11:20. I was surprised at the lack of people. I read that new years eve is treated as Christmas eve in the states. This makes sense why koji went with his parents to an onsen. On the other hand i saw several videos of shibuya in years past and it didnt seem as empty.
Well ~11:35 people started showing up in swarms. I got many pictures and a video as it turned new years. However, i have no means to transfer to them to my computer. Expect them up in 1-3 days.
I will leave you with this however, a picture of a hot chocolate drink from a vending maching. I had gotten this before and it was chilled, but this time the drink came out and i was quite surprised when it started warming my hands.
Again happy new years to all!